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For mining projects, ecological data is required to understand the pre-existing assemblages, diversity, condition and ecological function of the fauna and flora of a site.


Western Ecological has a wealth of experience working on mining projects throughout Western Australia and the Northern Territory.  In Western Australia we have worked in areas including the Goldfields, Mid-west, Great Sandy Desert, Kimberley, the south-west and throughout the Pilbara. In the Northern Territory we have worked across the Top End, including Arnhem Land, Douglas Daly region, Katherine and Pine Creek regions, Groote Eylandt and on the Tiwi Islands.


Western Ecological provides life-of-mine advice and assistance, from exploration to construction, operation, closure planning and rehabilitation.  Areas that we assist our clients include:


  • Strategic advice

  • Fauna surveys

  • Flora and vegetation surveys

  • Environmental approvals

  • Ongoing monitoring

  • Closure planning

  • Rehabilitation

  • Ongoing support and assistance

Demand for improved and increased infrastructure is growing throughout our towns and cities.  Western Ecological provides ecological services and environmental management to road, rail, power and airport projects throughout Western Australia and the Northern Territory. 


Our team is experienced with fauna and flora surveys as part of the environmental approvals process.  We have demonstrated experience undertaking targeted surveys for threatened species such as Black Cockatoos, fauna relocation and handling during clearing, ecological advice pre, and post clearing and have experience working with clients, contractors, developers and local government.  Our services include:


  • Strategic advice

  • Fauna surveys

  • Flora and vegetation surveys

  • Environmental approvals

  • Rehabilitation

  • Ongoing support and assistance

As our population grows and demand for housing increases, residential developments and infill projects can be seen over the greater Perth metropolitan area.


Western Ecological provides assistance to land development clients throughout the south-west for a number of development projects.  We undertake assessments to support, our clients for land reclassification, native vegetation clearing permits, structure planning, state and federal approvals.  Our services include:


  • Fauna surveys

  • Black Cockatoo habitat assessments

  • Black Cockatoo hollow inspections

  • Offset assessments

  • Fauna trapping and relocation programmes

  • On-site fauna handler/spotter

  • Flora and vegetation surveys


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