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Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme

A level 1 fauna survey and Black Cockatoo habitat assessment were undertaken for sections of the proposed recharge main pipeline route, for the Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme.


During the survey, Black Cockatoo foraging habitat and a number of potential breeding trees were identified. As a result, a follow up Black Cockatoo habitat assessment was then carried out by Ron and Laura.  The purpose of the additional survey was to find alternative routes that minimise the quantity of foraging and potential breeding habitat removed as a result of the construction of the pipeline. 

Doodlakine to Coolgardie Water Pipeline

A level 1 fauna survey and Black Cockatoo habitat assessment were undertaken for the proposed replacement of three sections of the Mundaring to Kalgoorlie trunk main between Doodlakine and Coolgardie.


The purpose of the survey was to allow flexibility in the location of the infrastructure and to enable works to be undertaken with consideration to the environmental sensitivity of the site.

Kununurra Dam Repairs

A fauna survey for the Kununurra Diversion Dam Repairs project located in the Shire of Wyndam, in the East Kimberley.


The Kununurra Diversion Dam on the Ord River was built in 1963, as part of the Ord Irrigation Scheme. Repairs to the dam abutment structure were required and to undertake these repairs, sand and shingle material were required from the Ord River.  The survey was required to inform the most suitable location for the mining operation and to provide data to support environmental approvals for the project.

Roe Highway & Kalamunda Road Upgrade

A Black Cockatoo habitat assessment was undertaken for the Kalamunda Road Roe Highway upgrade in Maida Vale.


The proposed development of the site has the potential to impact native vegetation and as such, a Black Cockatoo habitat assessment was deemed necessary to determine the environmental values of the potential clearing area.  The Black Cockatoo assessment was required to support potential future assessment and approval requirements and to inform development design.

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