Lake Mackay
Ron and Laura have been involved with the Lake Mackay Sulphate of Potash Project for two years. During this time, they have undertaken two terrestrial vertebrate surveys and a targeted fauna survey. They have also assisted with two level 2 flora surveys and an SRE survey for the project. The surveys were aided with the help of the local Indigenous Protected Areas Rangers from Kiwirrkurra, who shared knowledge and learnt new skills, as together we surveyed for conservation significant fauna species including Great Desert Skink, Night Parrot, Princess Parrot, Brush-tailed Mulgara, Bilby and Northern Marsupial Mole and Priority flora species including Tecticornia.
The surveys helped understand the ecological constraints of the site, which could then be managed to gain project environmental approval.

Upper Marillana
A single season level 2 baseline vertebrate fauna survey of the Upper Marillana and Munjina area was undertaken. The survey included a trapping programme using Elliott and cage traps, pitfall and funnel traps, habitat assessments, bird census, acoustic recording units for micro bats, camera traps, spotlighting and opportunistic searches. The assessment was used to inform future environmental approvals across the area.

A single phase Level 2 terrestrial vertebrate survey at the Pilgangoora Project area was undertaken. Further to this survey, a targeted Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat survey and a Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat roost survey were undertaken.
The purpose of the terrestrial vertebrate survey and further targeted surveys was to provide baseline survey supporting information for documents as part of the environmental approvals process in the development of the Lithium deposit.

Beatons Creek
A number of surveys were undertaken at the Beaton’s Creek Gold Project. A Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey was undertaken, followed by a targeted Northern Quoll and Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat survey. The vertebrate fauna survey involved trap sites consisting of pitfall traps, funnel traps, Elliott and cage traps, as well as systematic and opportunistic bird surveys, nocturnal spotlighting and acoustic recording for micro bats. The results from the vertebrate fauna survey led to the targeted surveys. The surveys helped understand the ecological constraints of the site, which could then be managed to gain project environmental approval.