Western Ecological provides proven ecological advice and expertise. We have worked throughout Western Australia, interstate and overseas and offer comprehensive fauna and flora capability for all our clients requirements. We provide a personal and cost effective approach to project needs, providing assistance in the resources, land development and infrastructure industries.
Western Ecological staff have strong project management and communication skills, to ensure we provide our clients with an effective and efficient service, delivering timely results and the best outcome for both industry and the environment. We develop long-term working relationships with our clients to ensure best for project outcomes are achieved.
Western Ecological partners with a number of skilled sub-consultants, with experience throughout Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Together we form a strong network that enables clients to engage a tailor-made team for their specific project requirements. Through a collaborative team approach, Western Ecological is able to provide the following services:
Fauna Surveys
Western Ecological provides a comprehensive suite of zoological services. We have a team of qualified and experienced Zoologists, with diverse knowledge and understanding of fauna.
Fauna services provided by Western Ecological include:
Desktop surveys
Reconnaissance surveys
Fauna habitat assessments and habitat mapping
Level 1 fauna surveys
Level 2 detailed fauna surveys
Targeted threatened surveys (e.g. Northern Quoll, Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat, Western Ringtail Possum, Malleefowl)
Black Cockatoo habitat assessments
Black Cockatoo hollow inspections
Offset site assessments
Trapping and relocation programmes
Fauna spotter
Fauna management plans
Long term population monitoring
Aquatic surveys
Shorebird surveys
Marine Mammal Observers
Marine surveys (onshore and offshore)
Invertebrate fauna surveys (including stygofauna, troglofauna and short-range endemic surveys
Flora Surveys
Western Ecological provides a comprehensive suite of Botanical services. We have a team of qualified and experienced Botanists, with diverse knowledge and understanding of flora.
Flora services provided by Western Ecological staff include:
Desktop surveys
Reconnaissance surveys
Detailed (level 2) flora surveys
Targeted threatened, rare and Priority flora surveys
Vegetation type and condition mapping
Native vegetation clearing permit applications
Wetland assessments and classification
Groundwater dependent vegetation assessments
Threatened ecological community assessments (including Banksia woodland assessment)
Weed mapping
Flora and vegetation management plans
Flora taxonomy